Take the FREE 20-Point Lift Business Confidence Assessment

Take the 20-Point LIFT Assessment for FREE and Identify if Your Business is Missing Any of the Legal, Insurance, Financial and Tax Foundations Necessary to Support Your Business Vision

By taking this 20 point LIFT Assessment you will…

  • Reveal the gaps in your business’ foundation so you can relate to your business with your eyes wide open and know where to focus your time, your energy, your attention and your money — I call those, your TEAM resources — to ensure your foundation is strong enough to stand the test of time and help you completely relax into focusing on what matters most.
  • Give yourself a grade for each of the four cornerstones of your business, as well as an overall LIFT score out of 100 which will reflect the status of your legal, insurance, financial and tax systems in your business
  • Discover how to ensure your vision is supported by the legal, insurance, financial and tax systems you actually need to support your business as it grows.
  • Have absolute clarity on exactly what you need to LIFT your life and business to the next level, get out of the mind spin of worry, doubt and fear and say “Yes” to bringing more of you and your work out into the world so you can create exactly what you want in your life.
image of a business confidence assessment form

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